World War I Monument Rededication

The Kikthawenund Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution invite you to a rededication of a historic WWI Monument that recognizes the Madison County WWI Gold Star Honorees on the Centennial of Armistice Day.
A WWI monument was created by the Anderson High School Class of 1920 honoring the AHS students who died in the great war. The monument was left behind when the school moved to its new location and now sits on property that the city or the school system does not own. The DAR chapter spearheaded an initiative to move the monument to Maplewood Cemetery in Anderson and will rededicate this monument on November 11, at 2:00 in the afternoon, at its new location in the Anderson Maplewood Cemetery Veterans Section. A reception will follow at Park Place Church of God Fellowship Hall.
RSVP: KikthawenundDAR@gmail.com
Ph: 765-425-5524