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Elaine Sholty
Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)

1. What will make March 29, 2019 so special?
March 29, 2019 is National Vietnam Veterans Remembrance Day and the Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, NSDAR is planning a very special ceremony to honor Indiana’s 51 Vietnam veterans who are Missing in Action (MIA). These 51 men have never been honored before, as a group, in a formal and public way. So, at 11:30 a.m. on March 29th, Hoosiers will gather in the north quadrant of Monument Circle to honor each soldier with a Brick of Honor placed at the foot of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. The ceremony will include key Vietnam veteran groups providing a special statewide honor for those still missing after the Vietnam War.

2. Tell us about the Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, NSDAR.
I am proud to be a member of Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, which was founded in Indianapolis in 1894 and named after Indiana’s only First Lady of the United States of America. As one of the 3,000 chapters of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, an organization with more 188,000 members, we support Patriotism, Education, and Historic Preservation. DAR is the oldest and largest women’s service organization in the US and our chapter is one of the largest chapters with 500+ members. I invite you to visit our website to learn more about us!

3. Why Vietnam MIAs?
CSHDAR is a charter member of the Department of Defense Commemorative Partner Program honoring Vietnam veterans. This is our opportunity to honor these brave men, thank them for their service, and place a permanent remembrance of their service in the heart of our great state. It is also an opportunity to honor these soldiers’ families and publicly thank them for their sacrifice.

4. Who else has been involved in this project?
The Indiana War Memorials Commission, Indianapolis POW/MIA Council, Rolling Thunder, and the Indiana War Memorials Foundation have been great partners in executing this event. We were also honored with more than $5,500 of contributions from American Legion Posts, Veterans of Foreign Wars Posts, DAR Chapters, MIA families, and Individuals to purchase the bricks and support our program.

5. As you researched the 51 veterans, is there a story that impacted you or your committee members?
As a member of the Indianapolis POW/MIA Council, I was asked to search for Hoosier MIAs via a Federal website/database. When I printed the list, it was more than 1.5” thick!  I was so moved by the large number of Hoosier veterans still Missing in Action… and the database only listed veterans serving in and after World War II. It really made an impact upon me that we need to honor all Hoosier MIAs, particularly from WWII as well as the Korean (often called the Forgotten War), and Vietnam Wars.


Bricks of Honor Ceremony for Vietnam MIAs
March 29, 2019
11:30 a.m. – Noon
North side of Monument Circle

In case of inclement weather: The event will be in the Indiana War Memorial Pershing Auditorium

Reception immediately following the ceremony at the Indiana War Memorial


DAR Contact

Indiana War Memorials Foundation or (317) 650-9058